Category Archives: Introduction

Roto: Putting Together A Perfect Pitching Staff

We know that most roto leagues spend about 31 percent of their total budget on pitching. The reasons for this are debated, and discussed in this recent story. And in Part 2.  But if leagues spend $968 on pitching, an average of $81 per team, what is the best way (more…)

Top 10 Most Misunderstood Fantasy Baseball Concepts: #9 The 65/35 Split. Part 1.

I was writing this story today, No. 9 of the Most Misunderstood Concepts, when I got a call to be on Jeff Erickson and Chris Liss’s SiriusXM radio show to talk about this very topic. Do they have ties to the NSA? Nah, it’s just hot stove time and we’re (more…)

Can’t Anyone Here Play This Game?

Since we started Tout Wars in 1998, three leagues involving 470 participant seasons have vied for 36 titles. That’s 36 winners, for those scoring at home, and 434 losers. Consider the number of multiple winners and the situation is further distilled: Larry Schechter: Five Mike Lombardo: Three Ron Shandler: Three (more…)