Monthly Archives: May 2014

At Work: The Fantasy Football Guide

We’re full on in production on the Fantasy Football Guide 2014, which should be out around the end of June. Which explains why we’ve been neglecting Rotoman’s Guide. But we’ll be back next week with May earnings and in Mid June with baseball stuff. Thanks. Share this:EmailLinkedInFacebookTwitterMorePrintPinterest (more…)

Expecting Success: How do the top players rank at the end of April?

Reading Ron Shandler’s story at USA Today yesterday, Fantasy’s First Round Has Been Filled With Busts, I realized in my recent series looking back at how fast starters and slow starters in April 2013 performed over the whole year, that I never looked at how the best players might do (more…)

The April Earnings Spreadsheet is Posted

5×5 prices for hitters and pitchers for April 2014, along with Consensus preseason prices. How are your guys doing versus expectations? Find out here. Share this:EmailLinkedInFacebookTwitterMorePrintPinterest (more…)

LINK: A lesson in variance, as much as anything.

The Hardball Times is running a series of articles by their writers about what they learned doing a project. Dan Szymborski wrote about projecting player performance and Mitchel Lichtman wrote about defensive statistics. Very good stuff. A guy named Matt Hunter writes about creating a baseball simulator, which he has done, (more…)